Lightning Show
2012-05-18 00:01:44.000 – Samantha Brady, Summit Museum Supervisor
As the new museum attendant for the summer, I started my shift a few days early. With that being said, I had the opportunity to work on both shifts. As of this past Wednesday, I started working with the shift that I will be working with for the rest of the summer. I am excited to say that the museum is finally all set up and ready for a summer full of visitors to the summit.
I am thoroughly enjoying the time I am getting to spend up here getting to know everyone, including the volunteers. For the first time being above tree line, I had the chance to experience one of the most exciting things I think imaginable up here. We got to watch a thunder storm with some incredible lightning shows! All of which were extremely exciting to see and a bit scary at the same time! I cannot wait to see what else this summer has to offer up here at the home of the world worst weather.
Samantha Brady, Summit Museum Supervisor
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