LLBean Hiking Trip
2009-02-27 18:31:16.000 – Mike Finnegan, IT Observer
Here on the summit the winter is filled with trips; day trips, EduTrips, climbing trips, among others. Last night we had an unusual hiking trip up here. It consisted of 6 LLBean folks and a guide, Nick. LLBean is a major corporate sponsor of the Obs and we are extremely grateful for all they do for us. They allow us to use and test their gear, both on and off the mountain, which saves us from having to use personal gear all the time while allowing them to implement suggestions we have for improvements prior to production. We had an excellent time with them, talking and hanging out. Two of the fellows even worked for over an hour to get our guitar reasonably close to in tune. It is in pretty rough shape and took some engineering to get it even close, but they got it tuned enough so we could play. John knows a whole array of songs and has a voice capable of singing them as well so we all sat around the living room for an hour or two, John strumming and singing, myself accompanying on the harmonica, and others joining in on songs they knew. It was a great night and I look forward to the next time we can all get together. Maybe we can even track down a fully-functional guitar between now and then!
Mike Finnegan, IT Observer
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