Normal April…
2007-04-13 10:51:25.000 – Jim Salge, Observer
Friday the 13th began with a bit of bad luck as I woke up this morning. Ryan reported that the pitot anemometer was having problems, and I rushed up to weather room. A simple solution was found, everything quickly brought back online and we’ve been avoiding black cats, walking under ladders, and spilling salt since. Now I’m knocking on wood!
April continues to impress the summit crew in its turn around back to winter. Just under nine inches of snow fell on the peak yesterday, bringing the monthly total to about 36 inches. With another large storm on the horizon for late this weekend, it could become the first above normal snowfall month on the summit since October.
And of the upcoming storm, the anticipation is rising with each meteorological model run. While precipitation amounts do look impressive, we are more eager to see what this storm does to the winds up here! A strong and persistent April gale will set up from the southeast, a spring forecast that has a familiar feel to this summit…
Lastly, I promised pictures of our delicious ‘Big Wind Day’ cake. They are forthcoming, but I left my camera in the sleeping quarters this morning, I’ll post them when the night shift wakes up!
Jim Salge, Observer
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