2009-09-18 11:06:16.000 – Stacey Kawecki, Observer and Meteorologist
Above the clouds, but not for long
It seems that our fog and wind machines are working again. Visibility is down to approximately 75 feet, (that’s being generous) and winds are blowing at a consistent 55 mph, gusting over 60 mph and it’s in the mid thirties. It’s a bit of a 180 from our last shift week. However, we’re all exceedingly excited because the weather is going to get even more interesting.
Interesting for folks on top of Mount Washington usually means two things, cold and windy. A cold front is fast approaching from the west, and charge across the northeast. Temperatures will plummet tonight, into the lower 20s, just a few degrees above the record low for September 18th. With fog present, that means the joyous sounds of de-icing will be ringing through the tower throughout the night! When you throw the strong high pressure that’s behind the front, you’ve got yourself a meteorological party, decorations complete with the wintry rime ice. At least that is what we’re all hoping will happen.
For right now, the majority of the crew is listening to the groan of the wind, which will increase to a roar, with all the anticipation of a child on Christmas Eve! The Food Shift is on the verge experiencing their first winter-like weather since June 1st, 2009. Hot chocolate anyone?
Stacey Kawecki, Observer and Meteorologist
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