2006-04-30 07:19:18.000 – Ryan Knapp,  Observer

View of blue skies with all the foot prints of hik

The most common word on the summit over the last few days has been ‘Amazing.’ The weather conditions: amazing. The views we have been having: amazing. The amount of hikers the summit has received: amazing. Each time that I went outside between the hours of 10 am to about 2 pm, there was at least 10 to 20 hikers standing on the deck or on the rock pile of a summit. But with the weather like it was this weekend, it was not a huge surprise to see so many people. With days like we have been having, I am glad that so many people are able to come up and experience what the summit is like on a good day.

But with the end of April upon us, so brings the end of our summit fund support drive. I wish I could say that we reached our goal much like the hikers reached their goal of reaching the summit yesterday, but unfortunately, we are coming up short this year. Our goal was to reach $140,000 by the end of today but so far we have only received $83,000. These funds help the summit with our operating expenses, including the cost incurred to design and launch our new webpage. But, with a few more hours left until our deadline, I would like to ask our visitors to consider donating any amount you are comfortable with providing us so we can achieve our goals and not have to make any drastic changes to continue operating smoothly. If you would like to donate, the link can be found here.


Ryan Knapp,  Observer

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