2006-04-11 07:25:24.000 – Anthony Ciervo,  Summit Volunteer

Well what can I say! It all started last June when my good friend John Lind took myself and a couple of other friends for a motorcycle ride from Laconia to the top of Mount Washington. John knows the people that work here so he got us a tour of the facility, He told me that he volunteers here for a week so I mentioned to him I would be interested in coming up for a week. John said that saw the passion in my eye and was going to try and arrange to get me up here for a week. From that day on I’ve been looking forward to coming back and I did.

I am the volunteer cook for this week and I’m really enjoying it. Just walking around and having the freedom to see everything here is great. No matter which direction you look from up here there is a facinating view. I’ll be honest, when I heard I was coming up the second week in April, I was kind of disappointed because I really wanted to experience the worst weather possible but as it turned out we’ve had mid-winter conditions all week. I got the experience of walking in 75 mph winds (I can’t see how you can walk in 100 mph winds), and a foot and a half of snow fell last Tuesday so the ride up took us 4 hours. It’s funny, being here on my first day felt like I was part of a family. It’s sort of erie to know that your up here on the Rockpile with no immediate way of getting down. It amazes me because being up here on the summit is like being on another planet. The guys here are really terific, sitting around the table with them during dinner time and just having interesting conversation with them really made it special.

So here I am, almost a week gone by, ready to make that trip back down the auto road to the base. I’ll get in my car, drive back to Long Island and think about the fascinatingweek I had on the summit of Mount Washington, Home of the Worlds Worst Weather. Thank youNeil & Tim, it has really been an honor, Hope to see you again next year.


Anthony Ciervo,  Summit Volunteer

Reflecting On My Summer in the Clouds

September 4th, 2024|Comments Off on Reflecting On My Summer in the Clouds

Reflecting On My Summer in the Clouds By Maya Hartley Arriving at the summit of Mount Washington for the first time ever just a couple of months ago was a moment I will never

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