Octobers Winter Fun

2007-10-13 17:02:33.000 – Peter Sciola,  Summit Intern

Tower at sunrise.

Last night brought our first significant coastal storm of the soon to be winter season, along with temperatures in the upper teens. The result: Ryan was blessed with the task of deicing the tower every hour. So needless to say, with the intern room right next to the tower, I didn’t get a great night sleep with the crowbar hitting the parapet and resounding throughout the tower every hour. I was later awoken by Brian at about 5:30 this morning because we had broken out the clouds and there was going to be a spectacular sunrise. Even though I am immensely tired now as I right this, it’s a good thing I woke up because the sunrise was as advertised. With temperatures hovering around 20 °F, rime and glaze ice everywhere, it was the perfect photo opportunity.

All this winter weather brought out the skier in Brian and Aubrie who proceeded to go deck skiing as well. We even had a few snow drifts towards the auto road parking lot. As for me, until I learn how not to severely injure myself on anything strapped to my boots, I’ll just stay off to the side and watch.

Here are some pictures from this morning:

Just Before Sunrise

Deck Viewer


Deck Railing

Sunrise with Clouds


Lake of the Clouds


Aubrie Deck Skiing

Aubrie’s Trip Back


Peter Sciola,  Summit Intern

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