Rapid Changes …

2007-06-25 09:04:25.000 – Jim Salge,  Observer

OBScast Antics …

The ice and snow was all but a memory by mid morning yesterday, as bright sun and mild temperatures took over the weather pattern through the day yesterday. It was fun while it lasted!

There was still one thing about yesterday that wasn’t very summer-like though, the amazing views that we were privileged to. With none of the typical summer time haze, visibilities extended over to New York in the morning, and continued through five states and Canada through the day. Fair weather clouds remained overhead until sunset, and I imagine that many visitors simply didn’t know how lucky they had it.

Video of both our spectacular day yesterday, as well as some shenanigans on skis Saturday has been updated in this week’s OBScast, and we hope that you enjoy the unique perspectives from the summit staff. We’ve been working on getting these weekly video blogs to load faster. I think we’ve figured it out, let us know how it works for you in our forums.


Jim Salge,  Observer

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