Rain-on-Snow Research
- Accurately establish and quantify climate trends related to extreme weather events occurring on the summit of Mount Washington for the period of September 1989 through May of 2020.
- Investigate the changing seasonality around the winter on Mount Washington to determine if winters are warming and if this is impacting the summit snowpack as well as shifting the seasonality.
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Warming New England winters can impact the type of precipitation across the region as well as the quality of the snowpack. The season that is experiencing the greatest warming across New England is the winter with New Hampshire winter temperatures increasing on average of 2.5 °C on a decadal scale between 1900 and 2020 (Young and Young 2021). A significant consequence of climate warming is the increase of rain on snow (ROS) events (Rennert et al. 2009). Periods of winter warming with near surface temperatures above 0 °C are becoming more frequent (Sobota, Weckwerth, and Grajewski 2020; Peeters et al. 2019; Graham et al. 2017). These events are typically characterized as exceedingly warm weather episodes combined with, sometimes intense, rainfall (Vikhamar-Schuler et al. 2016). These extreme weather events have implications for snowpack, potentially destabilizing alpine snowpack (Conway and Benedict, n.d.; McCabe, Clark, and Hay 2007) contributing to avalanches, flooding, as well as impacting the alpine ecosystems with icing events.
Despite Mount Washington being the tallest peak in New England with the summit situated in a sub-Arctic / alpine zone, it has not escaped the effects of regional climate changes. This study aims to accurately establish and quantify climate trends related to extreme weather events occurring on the summit of Mount Washington for the period of September 1989 through May of 2020.
Given the extent of damages caused by ROS events, their increasing frequency could have significant implications for the communities and ecosystems on and around Mount Washington. This is especially relevant given projected intensity increases in the global water cycle and extremely wet weather resulting from anthropogenic climate change.
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