Spectacular day!

2011-06-04 18:45:58.000 – Erin Diveny,  Summit Museum Supervisor


Today was an absolutely gorgeous day on the summit! Wonderful visibility combined with rime ice made for some spectacular views! Today was the annual meeting down in the valley which brought a lot of members to the summit! Many of them went for tours which kept our interns busy! Two of our members even surprised us with a special treat of donuts, muffins and bagels (delicious!). Of course they couldn’t leave Marty out…he got spoiled (as if he already isn’t!) with cat toys!

The museum was busy all day with guest from all over which kept me busy. I met some nice thru-hikers (one who’s hiked most of the trail with a snuggie on!). It was pretty humorous to see. For a brief bit today the museum crowed thinned out when someone announced Marty was on the observation deck (what a celebrity!).

Now everyone’s off the summit for the day and were preparing for a nice dinner and sunset!


Erin Diveny,  Summit Museum Supervisor

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