Spring Teaser.

2013-04-20 17:14:14.000 – Brian Fitzgerald,  Weather Observer/Education Specialist

Note the massive temperature slide after midnight!

Much to the chagrin of a certain observer we’ve seen a dramatic shift in temperatures up here today as a very potent cold front passed through overnight. At this time yesterday we were in a thick and soupy, albeit warm, fog on our way to a 47 degree maximum temperature for the day. I was just crazy and desperate enough for warm weather that I resorted to shedding the winter EMS gear for shorts and short sleeves for our brief (two minute) observations outside (note: this is would not be appropriate for anyone outside for any longer than I was, especially today). As thrilling as this was, sadly no less than 12 hours later it was back to my insulated Vasque boots and EMS down parka for each trip outdoors. Between midnight and 8:00 AM this morning the mercury tumbled 28 degrees as gusty westerly winds peaked near 91MPH resulting in below zero wind chills once more this season.

If it sounds like I’m ready for Spring, well, I am, though let’s all take a second to realize that Mount Washington does not typically acknowledge that season (or really Autumn either). Our average temperature for an entire year rounds to roughly 27 degrees- so maybe it’s time to find a new line of work, though something tells me I’m not the only on the summit with Spring fever. At least the Presi’s are starting to look like spring (minus the ice).


Brian Fitzgerald,  Weather Observer/Education Specialist

Reflecting On My Summer in the Clouds

September 4th, 2024|Comments Off on Reflecting On My Summer in the Clouds

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