Staying On The Summit
2013-03-02 23:07:59.000 – Roger Pushor, Weather Observer/IT Specialist
There are a couple of good options if you’d like to spend an overnight on the summit of Mount Washington. There are the ever popular EduTrips with themes ranging from Weather Basics to Photography. On these trips, transportation to and from the summit is provided via the Mount Washington Observatories Snow Cat. However, if you prefer a slower pace, you can join one of the Partner Led Climbing trips, where you get to hike to the summit with professional guides.
All of these trips include a snack and hot beverage when you arrive at the summit, a hors d’oeuvres hour followed by dinner and desert. After a good night’s rest, you’ll wake up to a hot breakfast. While you’re here, you’ll also get a tour of the Mount Washington Observatory, have a chance to see the museum, and explore the summit bit. While we are in the fog about 60 percent of the time, you may luck out and get to see one an incredible sunset and/or sunrise. And while you’re here, Marty the summit cat is almost certain to stop by and put in an appearance – He does love to say hi to all of his fans; although he does find those few minutes exhausting, so we usually find him sleeping most of the next day.
If you want that adventure of a lifetime for yourself or a friend, check out an overnight stay with the crew at the Mount Washington Observatory.
Roger Pushor, Weather Observer/IT Specialist
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