Summit Happenings…
2007-05-28 10:06:51.000 – Jim Salge, Observer
The new museum shop!!!
Since the last comment was posted, with a picture of the museum in disarray, a tremendous effort by the summit and valley staff alike has resulted in the opening of the summit museum and gift shop in time for the holiday weekend! The museum shop, a vital source of income for the summit station, has expanded and new products are available. The museum also features new exhibits this year, and has received a general freshening. More improvements inside the museum are planned as well. For a preview of the inside of the museum, check out the new Obscast this week!
Now that the museum is open, the organization can focus on two other major happenings this summer. First off, we are offering overnight, educational programs at the summit, where participants are exposed to summit operations, learn about the weather, and have the chance to take in both a sunset and a sunrise from the top of New England. More information can be found here!
Additionally, preparations are underway for the seventh annual ‘Seek the Peak’ hike-a-thon, the largest annual fundraiser for the non-profit Mount Washington Observatory. Already, over 100 hikers have signed up to take on the challenge, and many have created pledge pages on Reading through the pledge pages evokes a real feeling of pride in this organizations, and I hope many more will consider attending, hiking or pledging their support for this event.
On a side and personal note, I would like to thank our volunteer and former intern Bryan Farr for the spectacular birthday cake he artfully created this week (and it was delicious too!)
Jim Salge, Observer
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