
2008-11-02 18:51:40.000 – Steve Welsh,  IT Observer

Sunset on Friday

When I started my shift at 5am this morning the weather was foggy, cold (3 degrees) and windy (60 mph) – it was definitely a little chilly venturing outside to take observations. But as they say, if you don’t like the weather in New England just wait an hour or two. Sure enough just after sunrise the fog lifted leaving us with fine views over the surrounding snow capped peaks. As high pressure continued to built in, the winds dropped dramatically and, thanks to the ample sunshine, the temperatures rose into the 20s. Visibility was also really good today and we could make out peaks some 120 to 130 miles away.

The bright mild conditions were certainly a welcome treat and gave us a great opportunity to finish off insulating and sealing off the last of the windows and doors in anticipation of this coming winter. After a great sunset, and a visit from the fox, we sat down to another great meal provided by our volunteers, Ernie and Steve. Now it’s time for a movie – got to go!


Steve Welsh,  IT Observer

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