Turkey, Turkey ,Turkey

2011-11-23 17:42:20.000 – David Narkewicz,  Summit Intern

Past 24-Hour Snow Precipitation

After a snowy 36 hours before Turkey Day, it looks like the weather is going to change by tomorrow for the better. This low that has dumped snow and rain across the Northeast will continue to moving up the Atlantic Canadian coast overnight. Behind this storm is a ridge of high pressure that is building to the southwest. As the ridge moves closer to the region skies will begin to clear making the Thanksgiving Day weather for New England relatively enjoyable.

Since the snow started falling last nigh we have measured around 10 inches of snow on the summit. Looking around there are locations that do not show 10 inches. Due to winds, blowing snow has occurred throughout the day displacing the fresh snow unevenly through the summit top. When walking around the parking lot one step could be free of snow, and the next could be into a snow drift knee deep. Our snowfall however has not yet ended as it will begin to taper to occasional upslope snow showers overnight. The image attached is a graphic of New England’s snow precipitation over the past 24 hours. If you click on the NWS link, you are able to see a graphic in the lower right corner of the past 24 Hours of Non-Snow Precipitation. When contrasting the two images, the mixing line where rain is transitioning to snow and vice versa can be clearly estimated.

We at the summit hope that everyone traveling this holiday is safe in getting to their destination as this storm didn’t bring ideal traveling weather. Tomorrow looks like a great day to bundle up and have a pickup game of football in the snow or grass as the turkey cooks. We hope you have an pleasant Thanksgiving in your way of celebrating it. Even though we are working we will still have a Turkey dinner tomorrow with all the fixings. I am excited! Turkey is all I can think about right now. Gobble, Gobble!


David Narkewicz,  Summit Intern

Disaster in the Naugatuck River Valley

August 30th, 2024|Comments Off on Disaster in the Naugatuck River Valley

Disaster in the Naugatuck River Valley By Francis Tarasiewicz On the afternoon of August 18th, a roughly 31-mile swath of the Naugatuck River Valley in southwestern Connecticut experienced a generational rainfall event. Over a

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