Until the Next Time
2021-08-02 14:33:19.000 – Nicole Tallman, Weather Observer/Education Specialist
This Wednesday marks the end of an amazing journey working for the Mount Washington Observatory as a summit Weather Observer and Education Specialist. Through the last year plus I have had the honor to be a part of an organization that means very much to me. I began as a summer intern in 2017 and fell in love with the uniqueness of the work that MWObs was doing. I extended my stay on the summit as the fall intern and I knew upon leaving the internship that my eyes would always be peeled for a full-time position back on the summit. It took a few years of hard work and determination, but about a year ago I landed my dream job as the Education Specialist who would also be immersed in the extremes that the highest peak in the north east had to offer. I have two very strong passions, the first being extreme weather and the second being education. I get so much joy and satisfaction sharing my excitement about the weather surrounding us. This position allowed me to explore both of those elements all in the same location. Leading virtual classroom programs from 6288’ all while the extremes I was teaching about were simultaneously occurring out my window was the most perfect combination for me. I thank the Obs for allowing me to represent them through these programs.
Choosing to leave the summit was not an easy decision but a necessary one. The people I met and the memories I made will stick with me for a lifetime. I want to give a few thank you’s to some very special people. First off, my shift mates. This job has the unique aspect of allowing you to live and work together as a crew on top of the mountain for a week at a time. The people you work with begin to become a part of your home away from home and a part of your summit family. Jackie, Jay, Ryan it was a pleasure to work alongside of you and to learn so much from each of you. To my current shift of Sam and David, thank you for making my last few months on the mountain as special as ever. Working on top of a mountain top through the beautiful and the extreme takes a unique group and all of you have had an impact on me in one way or another. Becca, or as we like to refer to her as “summit mom”, thank you for being the best boss! Having such a hardworking, passionate woman leader has been inspiring. To Brian, thank you for allowing me to share my passion of education through the development and execution of our virtual classroom series and other education programs. As mentioned earlier, the education side of my job was one of my favorites and wouldn’t be possible without you! There are so many others to thank; the valley staff, the trustees and supporters. Everyone involved with MWObs is so special and has made this experience something I will never forget. Thank you!
This is not goodbye; I am dedicated to staying a part of the Mount Washington Observatory in some way or another. I may not be leading education programs or living and working on the summit anymore but there are many other ways to stay involved. The obs is too special to walk away from entirely!
Nicole Tallman, Weather Observer/Education Specialist
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