volunteer comment
2008-10-22 08:37:44.000 – Katherine MacDonald, Summit Volunteer
Lakes of the clouds
I’m honored to write the observer’s comments for today. I’ve been to the summit of this mountain many times and never tire of the experience or the people I work as well as and the mountain itself. I’ve been asked by others why I continue to go back. Doesn’t everyone have a place that they feel home away from home yet able to unwind and refresh? That’s what it’s like for me to return to one of my favorite places. Never mind the fact that although the staff may change, the respect shown the volunteers here is unwavering. I’m always made to feel at home.
This week I’ve been lucky enough to get out for a hike most days. I’ve been to Clay, circled the Great Gulf Trail to Jefferson, circled through the Alpine Garden over Tuckerman’s to Lion’s Head and back, down to Lakes of the Clouds Hut and just a couple walk-abouts around the summit.
One of my favorite experiences of being here is when rime ice forms. It’s beautiful in the shapes that it forms. As a photographer it’s truly one of the things I like best to photograph. It has the appearance of soft feathers, yet is formed by the harshness of the mix of wind, moisture and extreme cold. It always amazes me.
Marty is settling in nicely. He certainly has his own personality. Any cat that ends up here certainly lives a good life.
As I pack up and get ready to go down I already look forward to my next return and what wondrous gifts nature will have in store for me upon my return. Thank you to the crew here and next door at the State Park area for making me feel so welcome.
Katherine MacDonald, Summit Volunteer
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