Week One from the Summit

2016-09-02 15:18:14.000 – Taylor Regan, Summit Intern


Hello from the summit of Mount Washington! My name is Taylor Regan, and this is my first week as summit intern. My path is a bit round about, being a mechanical engineer with an appreciation for weather. I have my B.S. and M.S. in mechanical engineering from the University of Massachusetts – Lowell.

Weather has always interested me, it encompasses my first memory (a “gustnado”) and a multitude of others, including, as a child, watching the radar so my dad could mow the lawn without getting caught in a thunderstorm. The neighbors used to say they could always tell when rain was on the way because they would hear the lawn mower.

I had the opportunity to work with the Observatory for my undergraduate capstone project, analyzing the response of the pitot-static anemometer. It was a great experience, and one that stuck with me through my few years working in industry and completing my Masters. An appreciation for weather, as well as fond memories of the capstone experience led me to apply for the summit intern position, hoping to expand my knowledge of weather and the mountain. It’s already been exciting, with the summit breaking from the clouds last night to offer a glimpse of the star-filled sky and an awesome display of the northern lights. I’m looking forward to what the rest of my internship holds!

Sunrise from the summit through the fog September 2nd, 2016 


Taylor Regan, Summit Intern

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