We’re Seeking Our Peak: No CAPE Without CIN
2017-07-13 10:13:55.000 – Mike Carmon, Senior Weather Observer & Education Specialist
With Seek the Peak 2017 approaching faster than a speeding bullet, I’d like to take a little time and chat about our shift’s 2017 fundraising team, debuting this summer.
The shift of myself, Adam Gill, and Caleb Meute have been a unit since late April of 2016, with various interns, museum attendants, and summit volunteers coming and going throughout that timeframe. The exact makeup of a shift of observers is vitally essential, as a cohesive team can act to ensure the success of summit operations from week to week. We all have strengths and weaknesses alike, and when these individual attributes are complimentary amongst each other, summit operations and summit life become a well-oiled machine capable of tackling even the most challenging of circumstances.
While my passion for education keeps me busy with the Observatory’s various educational program offerings, sometimes news in the realms of meteorology gets away from me. No matter, as observer Adam Gill is always there with a short and obscure factoid regarding the weather from his encyclopedic knowledge base of meteorology. And if morale is in a downswing because of a particularly chaotic day, Adam, myself, and the interns can always count on a humorous boost from our charismatic night observer, Caleb Meute, upon his afternoon awakening. If a particularly cumbersome thunderstorm synoptic observation has Caleb pulling out his hair, Adam and I are there with our collective METAR knowledge and experience to assist in counting the frequency of lightning flashes.
Throughout this past winter, which was long, snowy, and full of unplanned early departures and extended shifts, the cohesiveness of our shift and our ability to pick up slack when necessary was paramount to our success.
Adam Gill hails from Colorado Springs, CO. Starting out as a summit intern in the fall of 2015, he decided to stick around and was elevated to full-time observer in the winter of 2016. His unmatched enthusiasm for the world of meteorology, and his passion for the Observatory and its mission, shows day in and day out.
Caleb Meute of southeastern PA joined the team for the first time as an intern in the summer of 2014. After having to depart from the summit that following winter due to an unfortunate injury, we were excited that an opportunity opened up for Caleb to rejoin the summit staff full-time in April of 2016 as night observer/staff meteorologist.
Caleb, Adam, and myself remain committed to the mission of the Observatory, and the summit station in particular, which is why we “Seek the Peak” this year. Our team this summer, No CAPE Without CIN, appreciates any and all donations to any one of our members to support the mission of the historic Mount Washington Observatory.
We thank you for your support, and we hope to see you at the kick-off party on Friday night at the Weather Discovery Center, on the trail on Saturday, or at the after-party on Saturday afternoon!
Mike Carmon, Senior Weather Observer & Education Specialist
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