2014-07-16 18:16:48.000 – Tim Taber, Digital Content Coordinator
Seek the Peak is this Saturday and preparations are in full swing. This will be my first Seek the Peak and I am so excited for this weekend. Look for me at the kick-off party Friday evening at the Weather Discovery Center. I’ll also be on the trail throughout the day on Saturday, as well as at the after party at the base of the Auto Road. I’ll be taking photos and video of the event, so be sure to say ‘Hi!’ and pose for a photo with your Seek the Peak gear!
The last of the prizes have been arriving throughout the week, putting our total prize value at over $40,000! Take home a limited edition Eastern Mountain Sports Seek the Peak backpack full of free goodies including a Seek the Peak Techwick t-shirt, and get your name entered into a raffle to win hundreds of other prizes simply by raising $200 for the Observatory. It’s a great cause and a fun event (you don’t even have to hike, you could just seek the party). I recorded this message from Scot and Krissy as we were preparing some of the prizes yesterday. We hope to see you there!
Already planning to join us this weekend? We want to see your photos, videos, and selfies from the event on social media. We have partnered with our friends at Eastern Mountain Sports to give away a Guide 10 Adventure Kit from Goal Zero to the most creative, inspiring, or just plain awesome photo submitted using #SeekThePeak on your favorite social media platform. The winner will be announced on Monday, July 21.
Tim Taber, Digital Content Coordinator
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